Friday, August 3, 2012

This beautiful red cabbage was an unexpected find at the farmers' market in Charlotte on Tuesday. 
On Wednesday, it was a finished painting! 
(Well almost.)

There are artists who regularly do a painting a day and, believe me, I'm impressed! I could never imagine how on earth they manage that. I'm learning.
It's not about speedy brushstrokes, more about accuracy. To finish a painting in one day the drawing has to be correct at first pass. Then there is the challenge of color mixing and determining values. Sometimes that comes easily. Sometimes... not so much!

Anyway, it sure feels good to have accomplished so much in one day! I could have left it as it was above but, the moment of truth, for me, always comes the next morning. I decided the color cast was not quite right: not quite purple/red enough. It just didn't have that "red cabbage personality".
So here is the final purple-ier red cabbage. I hope you agree that the color is more authentic.

Doesn't it look like the cabbage is peeking out at the lemon slice? Maybe it's a little jealous of all that "zest." Although, redheads are known to be rather zesty themselves, don't ya think!?


  1. Beautiful Dorothy! Love your sense of humor too.

  2. I adore your work ..if only I could find a teach that paints iin your style

  3. Thank you Sharon! I really appreciate your kind words and I do hope you find a local teacher to work with. It's worthwhile to find the right person to connect with. I have been very fortunate in that regard.


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