Thursday, December 20, 2012

joy + peace + love + thanks

This whole holiday-season-of-giving... it's very nice.

Running around trying to find the most unexpectedly perfect gift for the important people in our lives. Ho, ho, ho, deck the halls. Take a breath, grab a latte... It's awesome and we can only sustain it for a few weeks, because seriously, it's exhausting. But that's ok.

Truly. I am grateful for the merriment, joy and energy people put into being kind and jolly and magical at this time of year. It's a complicated mix, no doubt. The season roars in with so many activities that can't be ignored: parties, concerts, cookies (seriously), decorating, eggnog sipping and so much more!

Hence, you may have noticed a lack of blog presence on my behalf. (blog or eggnog?)
Sorry. But I'm actually ok with that. BIG PICTURE. Spread joy.

Once upon a time I would have felt badly about not fulfilling my "responsibility" (self-imposed though it may be) to stay on top of a "commitment" (that I only made to myself). But now I'm a grown up and I get to decide what's really important for me.

So I'm taking a break from wrapping and figuring out where everyone will sleep... because what's important right now, is to say
Thank You!

A huge, heart-felt thank you to everyone who has "liked" my Facebook painting page, commented on a blog post, reached out via Twitter or LinkedIn, recommended my artwork or in any of many ways encouraged me art-wise.

You have bestowed an incredible bounty of positive energy that I know will be apparent in my creative endeavors going into 2013. I am truly grateful and appreciative of all your support and encouragement.

And although I have been absent in the blogosphere, I've been experiencing lots of artistic wonderment and I hope those of you who have missed my blog are also spending time celebrating the season and enjoying family fun. More art adventures to come. I promise.

Meanwhile, let me share with you the exuberance of some little people who are very special in my world. This photo is a few years old but the giddy happiness of the season is as bright as ever.

I wish you and yours the same joy that lights up these sweet faces, now and throughout the coming year.

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